The Lincoln website bumper stickers are now available! To get yours, just send a legal size self-addressed stamped envelope to: "Bumper Sticker", PO Box 505, Lincoln, ME 04457 USA, and we'll send one right out to you. They'll also be available at local businesses who support the Lincoln area website.
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"I check this web site all the time to find out what goes on in the Greater Lincoln Area..& the weather too...Thank You advertisers!" - Dawna Butterfield Voisine via FaceBook
Welcome to Lincoln! This site has been built to showcase the business community, the way of life, the recreational opportunities and the natural beauty of the Lincoln, Maine area and surrounding towns.
The timeshare resale market is a tough market to crack if you are trying to sell your Maine timeshare in this economy. Now, more than ever, timeshare owners need a tried and true footprint to help them sell a timeshare. A great selling point for buying a timeshare in Maine is knowing what timeshare relief options you have available to you in the event of a personal financial crisis.