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It's a nice warm summer day at Lincoln's beach In Prince Thomas Park.

OCTOBER 30, 2011 - Late October snow storm hits Lincoln, Maine area with high winds and several inches of snow!



March 19 - This rare large full moon occurs every 18 years or so, with the next one expected in 2029. It looks larger than normal because the moon is closet to the earth. We had clear skies over Lincoln, so we, along with many area residents, took a lot of nice photos last night!

- Lee Rand

Blackfly Index
Maine has four very distinct seasons, although some would add others such as mud season, blackfly season, hunting season, fishing season . . . The official weekly Blackfly Index for Lincoln, compiled by our resident entymologist, is exclusively listed only on The index is rated 0 to 10%, with 10 being VERY VERY high! The BFI is posted on this page from May to September. The Blackfly Index for the greater Lincoln area this week is:
Summer temperatures are generally moderate, with daily highs in July averaging 70 degrees F. and January in the twenties. There are occasional days approaching 100 degrees in the summer, and winter temperatures can drop to -30 or lower. Fall is breathtakingly beautiful as the leaves turn brilliant colors.
May 24, 2010 saw the first day of 90 degree temperatures for 2010 in Lincoln!


90 to 110 inches of snow can fall each year in the Lincoln area. Up to 30 days per year will see at least an inch of snow. The chances of a "white" Christmas in Lincoln (according to the NOAA) is 50-75%. A "white" Christmas means having at least 1" of snow on the ground on Christmas morning. Severe weather conditions are rare, but we do experience thunderstorms (about 15 per year), heavy rain and blizzards on occasion, depending on the season. Tornados are almost unheard of, although many people say one passed through Lincoln in the early evening of August 7, 2006. A picture of some of the damage from that alleged tornado can be seen here. 


Hurricanes generally peter out before getting this far north. Some years there is minor flooding in the spring. And nor'easters are not confined to the winter months. One passed through Lincoln on the 16th of April in 2007.
The date of Mattanawcook Lake being ice-free is the subject of much speculation in late winter and early spring here in the Lincoln area. Mattanawcook Lake was ice free on March 29, 2006, beating by 5 days the previous earliest date of April 2, 1981.

July 5, 2010

Seasonal differences make the area interesting!


Lupine adds a little color to the area in early summer.


Looking upriver from the bridge that crosses the Penobscot on the way to Interstate 95. This river has some of the best smallmouth bass fishing to be found anywhere. Fishermen can often be seen on this part of the river. Hidden in the trees at the end of the island in the center of the photo, there is a bald eagle nest. The eagles are quite a sight as they do a little fishing of their own!





The probability of a white Christmas in Lincoln is between 50-75%. Doesn't really matter though, Santa always finds a way to get here!

For those of you who live in warmer climates, you may wonder how we cope with the cold winters. We have an efficient public works department (thanks, guys!), so the roads are quickly plowed and sanded after a storm. We just put on our winter coats and mittens when we go outside. Besides, if you've never played in the snow you don't know what you're missing!

Interested in coming to this area for leaf-peeping this fall? Visit this Web site for up-to-date information.