New ATV trail dedicated
- Lee Rand Photo
August 10 - Several members of the Penobscot Off-Road Riders ATV club, along with various members of the Lincoln area Chamber of Commerce, members of the Lincoln media and Lincoln Town Manager Bill Reed, got together this afternoon to dedicate a new section of trail just off Penobscot Valley Avenue.
This trail will give access to a number of local businesses on West Broadway, and is a welcome addition to the club's area trails. Members thanked the various landowners who are instrumental in making these trails possible. An impromptu "news conference" then took place. Some of the question and answer session can be viewed below in our video recorded at the dedication this afternoon.
February 13 - Snowmobilers can once again ride Buckley and Penobscot Valley Avenues after the Lincoln Town Council
voted 5-2 to reopen a temporary trail to allow snowsleds access to West Broadway and a major statewide ITS snowmobile trail.
Councilors Michael and Marscella Ireland voted against the opening. The trail will close at the end of the 2011-12 snowmobile
season. Area residents of Buckley and Penobscot Valley Avenues were opposed to the trail being re-opened.
Our area is a wonderful place for outdoor recreation. We encourage our readers to join the local clubs, ride responsibly and follow the laws. We welcome club news here at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it your newsletter!
Lincoln Snowhounds Snowmobile Club
The Lincoln Snowhounds Clubhouse is located on the Town Farm Road in Lincoln. Throughout the snowmobiling season, we will bring you club news and the latest trail information. The 7th Annual Lincoln Snowhounds Holiday Craft Fair will be held on Saturday, November 10, 2012 from 9:00am until 2:00pm. The Lincoln Snowhound Snowmobile Club will be hosting Sno-Cross Races again this winter on February 2 & 3. Watch for details....
For a PDF copy of Rand Advertising's latest Lincoln area snowmobile trail map, CLICK HERE.
We encourage you to join your local snowmobile or ATV club, follow the laws, and use common sense when you ride. Watch weather and trail conditions, and be sure to stay on the trails. Respect the rights of property owners who allow the trails to cross their land. With everyone's cooperation, trails will continue to be available for all to enjoy.
Here's a snowmobile you don't see everyday! These were only made and sold for a couple of years in the 1950's by Ski-Doo.
ATV Trails
The area ATV Trails now go from Lincoln to Seboeis thanks to 3 area ATV clubs and many of the people in this photo, taken Aug. 26 at the final connection of the trails near I-95 overpass in Mattamiscontis.
Penobscot Off-Road Riders
Meeting October 4th, 6:00pm at the Lincoln Snowhounds Club House.
Seboeis Stream ATV Club