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Follow us on Twitter @LincolnMaineUS Photographers: Lee and Connie Rand
Lee & Connie - "Thanks for all you do for local sports - been a pleasure coaching at PVHS and enjoyed seeing the photos of the kids." - Coach Jamie Russell "Yours is THE best local sports site I've come across! Very nice, Lincoln!" - Tony C., Brewer ME "Your high school basketball photos are GREAT!! Thanks for your web site and its sports section..." - P.H., Enfield, ME "Your sports photos are THE BEST!!" - J.G., Lincoln, ME Pre-Season Soccer- M.A. Boys 2-1 over Katahdin in OT; M.A. Girls over Katahdin 5-0. * Saturday's M.A. pre-season football game with Foxcroft Academy has been changed to 4pm because of a problem with the lights at the field.* The MA Lynx cheerleaders will be holding a car wash and bake sale this coming Friday from 9 to 2 at the Lincoln Redemption Center on West Broadway. All proceeds will go to new uniforms. The Lincoln Recreation Department's summer programs are listed at the bottom of our Community Events page. CLICK HERE! Creating memories with every photo!
Have an individual athlete you would like us to professionally photograph during a season? Contact Lee Rand Photo via e-mail at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or by phone at 794-8071 for details, prices and availability. Limited to athletes from Mattanawcook Academy, Lee Academy, and Penobscot Valley High School (basketball only). CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURED. Deadline for sign-up is October 1 or when my limit is filled, whichever comes first.
CLICK HERE for Heal point standings. Fall Rec NewsAugust 20 - Ron Weatherbee has announced that although grade 2-4 & 5-6 football has started, registrations are still being taken. K-2 instructional football will start September 8th. Grade 5-6 co-ed soccer starts August 28th at 5:30 at MA. Grade K & 1-2 soccer starts on the 5th and grade 3-4 on the 6th. Cheering starts September 5th and needs a supervisor/coach (paid). Field hockey starts on the 8th. Register at recreation office. Fall Boot Camp: - This is a 3 day a week strength/cardio class Each night is a different type of workout. Tuesday is strength training only. It consists of several total body circuits. We will work each muscle group followed by an ab segment at the end. Wednesday is cardio. This is a Tae Bo style cardio workout, finished off with a bonus leg/butt segment. Thursday is a combo of LIGHT weights and cardio and abs. Thursday will be higher reps and combo moves. This is why the instructor is stressing LIGHT weight. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: TUES: a couple sets of dumbbells (light & heavier), mat, yoga band, water WEDS: mat, yoga band, water THURS: light weight ONLY, mat, yoga band, water. There will be a 3 on 3 basketball tournament Saturday the 25th starting at 10 am at Prince Thomas Park. This is free, with double elimination. Please register before 9:45am on the 25th either at the Rec Department office or at the tournament. Maine Junior Golf Club Results
Winners of the Herb Vanadestine Golf Scholarship through The Maine Junior Golf Club $500 each. Picture: winners Rachel Vanadestine and Wyatt Foster presenting Dollie Vanadestine. Photo courtesy of Barnes Brook Golf Course. Lincoln kids win at state track & field championshipsSome kids complain that they're bored and don't do much of anything. You won't find those kids at the Junior Olympic Track & Field State Championships! Lincoln has some up-and-coming stars among the younger crowd. If you look through the results from the state competition held in Brewer recently, you'll see quite a few Lincoln kids listed among the state champions. We congratulate these winners, and all who competed. It takes a lot of hard work to achieve so much.
Car wash/yard sale to raise money for soccer teams
August 17 - The MA soccer teams are raising money with a car wash and yard sale today until 2 pm at Lincoln Redemption on West Broadway. Stop by and get your vehicle shiny clean. If your car's not dirty, you might find something great on the yard sale tables. While you're there, pick up a game schedule and make plans to enjoy a fast-paced, exciting local sporting event. These young athletes will appreciate your support! UPDATE: Thanks to all who showed up to support MA's soccer program: "Made over $1,000 today at the car wash, yard sale, bake sale.....way to go MA Lynx Soccer!" - Coach Dubay