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"Congress shall make no law.... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press....." 1st Amendment US Constitution Writing and Photography by Lee and Connie Rand
"In color, free and 24/7 - while it's still "news". All items in brief form to save you time, not take your time!"
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MANY FAST-BREAKING LOCAL NEWS STORIES CAN BE FOLLOWED IN REAL TIME ON OUR "WELCOME TO LINCOLN, MAINE" FACEBOOK PAGE OR ON TWITTER @LINCOLNMAINEUS. Brian Souers of Lincoln escaped serious injury when a tailwind flipped his plane at the Lincoln airport on Sunday. * Weather alerts will be posted here. *
- Lee Rand Photo March 27 - The ice officially went out on Mattanawcook Pond today at approximately noontime. This is the second earliest date on record for ice out. The earliest date is March 24th, and that was in 2010. Your Lincoln (ME) area web site has the ice out dates going back to 1930 - CLICK HERE. Cold Stream is next, with the earliest ice out date there also being March 24th in 2010. Usually Cold Stream Pond is later than Mattanawcook Pond. We'll keep you posted! This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it |